General Dentistry
There are many different types of dentistry today. So much so that it can feel impossible to know where to begin when looking for a dentist. One type of dentistry is general dentistry, and this is an area that we are going to delve into in this blog post. Read on to discover more about the benefits, as well as the different types of services you can expect.
What is general dentistry?
There is only one place to begin, and this is by revealing what general dentistry actually is. General dentistry involves a broad assortment of procedures and treatment options that are vital to maintaining and protecting a good standard of oral health. Treatments are in place to ensure that your teeth, mouth, and gums are kept healthy and you do not experience any pain. A general dentist is there to make sure oral diseases are prevented and diagnosed.
What are the benefits of general dentistry?
There are many benefits that are associated with general dentistry. This is all about ensuring that good oral care is maintained so that you do not end up experiencing any dental issues later down the line, such as gum disease or losing a tooth. A general dentist will help your mouth to look great while ensuring that there are no other issues. It is all about preventative care.

What are some of the general dentistry treatments that are available?
There are a number of different general dentistry treatments available. This includes routine examinations, which are at the focus of a personal dental plan. This ensures that your general dentist can clearly determine the sort of treatment you need to continue your oral health. Often called a dental check-up, a routine examination is important in terms of providing a full and complete assessment of your gums, teeth, mouth, and jaw joints. Any underlying issues relating to your oral health will be identified, such as cancer, tooth decay, and disease.
Not only are routine treatments covered by general dentists, but restorative treatments are as well. Examples here include crowns, tooth extractions, fillings, and root canal treatment. Aside from this, your general dentist may also provide cosmetic treatments, which are designed to improve the appearance of your teeth, as well as preventative treatments. Preventative treatments are designed to make sure that your oral health is protected and you do not end up experiencing any major oral health problems later down the line. A “scale and polish” is a good example of preventative treatment, and this involves removing tartar and plaque.
Contact Southridge Dental today for more information about general dentistry in Nampa, Idaho
Hopefully, this has given you a good insight into general dentistry and the procedures available for people today. We hope that this has helped you to get a better understanding. Nevertheless, if you have any queries or you would like to book an appointment with a dentist in Nampa, Idaho, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us today. We look forward to hearing from you.